Fermented Red Ginseng Daily Stick Original
The price of this product is for retail customers. Wholesales customers, such as bulk purchases, can get even more special discounts.
1. Efficacy of health functional food red ginseng
Daily intake 3.0 ~ 80mg = Helps to improve immunity and improve fatigue
Daily intake 2.4 ~ 23mg = It can help improve blood flow by inhibiting platelet aggregation, improve memory and antioxidant
Daily intake 25.0 ~ 80mg = May help menopausal women's health
2. Red ginseng ingredient intake of product
Rg1 + Rb1 + Rg3 = 12mg
Compound K = 4mg (total daily intake 16mg)
3. Contains fermented wild ginseng mixed concentrate (fermented red ginseng (including Compound K) + fermented wild ginseng (L-carnitine))
Fermented red ginseng: Allows absorption of saponins without the process of decomposing saponins by intestinal microbes (maximizing saponin
absorption / 15.5 times more than general red ginseng)
Compound K: The saponin of red ginseng is converted from high molecular weight polysaccharide into a low molecular weight form that can be
absorbed by the body through the metabolic process of intestinal microbes. The final metabolite of saponin
Fermented wild ginseng: Even wild ginseng itself has a saponin content that is 2-3 times higher than that of ginseng, and the total saponin content
is increased through fermentation.
(Fermented wild ginseng on the 7th day: 67% higher saponin content than unfermented wild ginseng)
L-카르니틴: 체지방을 줄이고 피로를 줄이며 항산화 효과를 나타내는 아미노산의 일종(발효되지 않은 산삼은 그렇지 않음)
발효를 통한 검출, 생산 및 증가)
4. 지팡이 모양에서, 휴대성 및 쉬운 섭취는 섭취에 있는 편익을 승진시킵니다
5. 화합물 K 함량(1.6mg→ 4mg)을 비교하여 체내에서 홍삼 사포닌의 흡수율을 증가시키는 제품
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Fermented Red Ginseng Daily Stick Original