Fermented Red Ginseng Red bean jelly
The price of this product is for retail customers. Wholesales customers, such as bulk purchases, can get even more special discounts.
1. Those who need Compound K
- Those who do not feel the effect even after taking regular red ginseng
- Those who want a high absorption rate of red ginseng ingredients by ingesting a high content of Compound K
- Office workers exhausted from life due to fatigue and stress
2. Red ginseng ingredient (Compound K) content for excellent price
Compound K = 5.0mg
3. Use of 6-year-old domestic fermented red ginseng
Rather than just red ginseng flavor, carefully inspected 6-year-old domestic fermented red ginseng is added to preserve the subtle flavor of red
4. Premium yokan using 100% domestic red beans and domestic ingredients
Only domestic red beans are used so that you can enjoy the sweet and thick red bean flavor and healthy sweet taste, and even sub-materials such
as agar and red ginseng are used for the chewy texture of yokan. use domestic
4. Sweet and chewy yanggaeng with subtle red ginseng flavor added to taste
Add health through red ginseng to the sweet and chewy texture of yanggaeng so that people of all ages can consume it deliciously and healthy.

Fermented Red Ginseng Red bean jelly